What was your favorite book when you were a child?
My favorite book that I read when I was a child was called "Best Friends". I read the book in fourth grade three times. I remember that I borrowed it from the school library and I kept on renewing the book. One time someone else was waiting for the book so I had to wait until she finished reading it to borrow it again. I tried to purchase the book several years ago but I couldn't find a copy in a used book store.
What is your favorite Jewish book?
Every Friday morning in preschool children's services, Rabbi says that his favorite book is the Torah. I have to say that I agree with him. The obvious reason that I love this book is because of what it teaches people but there is more. the Torah is a book that can be read by and to all ages and the depth of understanding changes with your age and ability to understand. A person can read the Torah over and over again and get new meaning each time it is read.
What are you reading now, or what books are on your nightstand right now waiting to be read?
I am about to begin "Beach Road". I have two books on deck to read. The first book is "The Queen's Fool" and the second one is "Sarah." I like historical fiction, Judaic related books, books on education, and fiction.
How do you feel when you are reading a really good book?
For me, reading is definitely a stress reducer. I can be totally absorbed in a book and actually feel like I am in a different world.
What do you like best about our library here at CBI?
I feel that we are very lucky to have such a large versatile library at CBI. One of my favorite parts of the library is the bibliotherapy section. I feel that the parents in the school really can use that section if they need to explain to their children why something difficult in life is taking place.
Now, let's enjoy a classic Sesame Street sketch about the library!
No Cookies in the Library
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